Valve Urges Steam Deck Users To Refrain From Inhaling Exhaust Fumes

The Steam Deck stands out as an exceptionally handy gadget for gamers on the move. It outmatches the typical Nintendo Switch in terms of computing power and grants access to one's entire Steam library. Beyond its primary purpose as a gaming console, there's been an odd trend where individuals report delighting in the scent emitted from the device's exhaust ports.

Valve, understandably, isn't amused by this peculiar practice. When a Steam Deck owner inquired via a Reddit post about the wisdom of inhaling the device's exhaust, the reply from Valve was unsurprisingly cautionary.

"Like any electronic device, breathing in the exhaust from your unit is not advised. Normal usage poses no safety issues, but intentionally sniffing the vent emissions is something that should be avoided. We recognize this may have started as a joke, but for the sake of your own well-being, we urge you not to engage in this activity," Valve counseled in their statement.

Despite Valve's clear advice, users remain skeptical. Comment sections on the Reddit thread and across various social media platforms brim with individuals jesting they'll keep savoring the fumes no matter the consequences. Adding to the levity, Hello Games' Sean Murray also chimed in with mirthful comments.

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